Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm a tool... dontwannatalkaboutit...

So I was at my local bank yesterday waiting in the lobby for an available banker... no big deal really... kinda awkward and annoying just sitting there... so of course I start looking around and noticing everything, well all of a sudden a middle-aged man walks in with a deposit and heads towards to line to see a teller...

As he approaches the maze-like line dividers, he does so like a Nazi-German soldier, clicking his heels and moving in straight lines...

My first thought was, "what in the world is wrong with this guy?!? what a dork!!"... but then "it" dawned on me... right at that momment, God spoke to me... He said, who am I to judge that guy? Maybe there is something wrong with him... but there probably wasn't. That guy was just trying to brighten his day amidst an annoying, but necessary, task. Yeah, ok, maybe he was being a bit quirky and non-status-quo, but who am I to sit there in my self-deceived righteousness and judge him? After all, I'm the dork who immediately started thinking about the history of WWII and would probably have loved to have a conversation with him (or anyone) about it... I mean, I play multi-player board games by myself and still collect army men, for crying out loud...

So, suffice it to say, God made it clear to me that one and maybe two things are true: 1. I'm as much a dork as any Trek fan (I'm not a Trekie, let me make that clear), and 2. Deep down, we're all a little weird...

So, anyway, I really hope no one reads this... perhaps I should post about 10 more so that this post gets burried in the myriad of nothingness - kinda like a random Kramer body expression on any given episode of Seinfeld...

But either way, I'm encouraged to know that God is softening my heart... slowly but surely... and despite my proud, faux-manly thoughts and self-perception, this is something I want. I do, more than anything, want God to work in and through me... and I hate it when I get in the way... though that happens far too frequently...

So if you're reading this, I hope you won't tease me TOO much ;)... and I also hope that you will take some time throughout your busy day to enjoy life... and to enjoy the One who author's life.

God bless.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Jesus Freak
So back in the 90's there weren't any Christian bands even close to as good as DC TALK... so when I got saved, they were still a big deal at the turn of the century. I remember I bought Intermission, their greatest hits cd, and I loved it! In fact, another mentor shout out, Donnie Smith claims to know Toby Mac, haha (ok, he actually does know him... and Donnie used to be a rapper... "R U N to God's Word... run to God's Word" haha, yes, I still remember that!)
Anyway, not only is DC TALK a really awesome musical groupu, but they use their talents and their platform for so much more. In 1998 they formed the E.R.A.C.E. foundation - Eliminating Racism And Creating Equality. They're way legit guys, and their lyrics are undeniably Christian.
They've also authored a few books.. I have a couple of them. And one I can't help but refer you to check out is Jesus Freaks: Martyrs. It tells story after story of Christian martyrs over the past 2000 years willingly dying for their faith. One of the stories that really got my attention was of the Thundering Legion, a group of 40 Roman soldiers who were killed in 320AD... now, they weren't killed in battle, they didn't die from a long march, no, they were herded onto a frozen pond naked until they died... but why? and by whom? By invading barbarians? no. By retreating during a battle thus facing execution? no. See, they were killed for believing in Jesus. They couldn't forsake the True King for an earthly king... that's some solid stuff!
Well, there's a guy in Scripture named Peter who also lived for the True King. He's a guy that lived life with Jesus for three years as his closest disciple. Peter was The Rock that Jesus would build His church on... Well, 30 years after Jesus' death, Peter writes a letter to a multitude of churches in modern day Turkey. He encourages them to remember that God's great compassion has given us a new identity of hope. That no matter what's happening, there's hope. That no matter how people treat you, it doesn't matter, because nobody can take away the love, mercy, compassion, newness, and hope that God has earned for us. He has given us a living hope.
Well, that was HUGE for the Christians back then. They knew all about persecution. For the past 30 years, the early church had suffered from a widespread persecution. This was intense stuff. People were being arrested who hadn't broken any rules. The only thing they were guilty of was believing in Jesus. They were arrested, beaten, many were killed...
And as much as that's removed from our American culture (we don't get arrested or killed), many of us still get persecuted. Maybe you get picked on or teased, or maybe some people don't wanna be associated with a "Christian" so they don't talk to you or include you in neighborhood activities or events. This pretty much happened to my friends Brad, John and I. We've been playing on this ice hockey team for the past couple of years - a team that John founded and that Brad and I have been on since the beginning. Well, John goes off and gets married and can't run the team for a session so some new guys come in... long story short, none of us are playing any more. It's sad, but ya know, I have more important things going on anyway.
Now, while I don't know specifically what each one of you are dealing with, I do know the truth of 1 Peter 1:7. I know that
"These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes
even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise,
glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

Persecution, as stupid and unfair as it is, can really be kinda good for ya. I know that may sound crazy to some of you. But the positive side of persecution is that is strengthens your faith. It gives you opportunities to rely completely on God... and we all need that, don't we? I know I do.
So let's embrace the title of Jesus Freaks. Let's boldly live our lives for Christ. Let's have enough courage to be able to face (and grow from) persecution. Let's honor The King - even if it means being tortured... even if it means freezing to death naked on a frozen pond. Let's be Jesus Freaks.

And let's keep looking up, 'cause God's looking down... and eye contact is crucial.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Keep looking up...

So I figured it was time to get with the times here... A friend of mine, Mike Dauphinee added me on LinkedIn, and I've learned that I can't resist Mike's wisdom, so I joined it. Thus, my expanse of trendy webbed connection began. I still don't really understand the benefits of LinkedIn since I'm not looking for another job or anything, but I still think it's cool.
So why a blog? To be honest, I'm kinda uncertain about it, but on the other hand, I like thinking and I like talking about what I think about. Usually I think about sports, my wife and God, so expect a lot of Stanley Cup, Dallas Cowboys, Liz Messenger, and Jesus of Nazareth references.
But I suppose the main reason I just signed up here on blogspot is because my Rabbi (teacher), Donnie Smith has one - and secretely (err, not so secretly) I like to emulate a lot of what he does.
Donnie's a funny guy. He's also really talented and he's really deep. He looks at God and he connects with Him... and he helps others see Jesus in a new, creative and truthful way. His passion has inspired me ever since the end of my Junior year of high school...
My wife also has a deep respect for Donnie. She doesn't even know him that well, but she holds him up in this mysterious cloud. Whenever we fight... err, disagree... she usually ends up saying, "Call Donnie and see what he thinks"... or, "You're being ridiculous, I'm gonna call Donnie"... haha. Well, she emailed him the other day (non-fight related) and he replied quickly (which, inside joke to all who know Donnie, surprised me and made me think it was an imposter 'cause he never replies to emails in a timely manner...) Anyway, he replied and said, "Hi, good to hear from you, blah blah blah..." but it was what he said at the end that got me re-energized... His last sentence was, "Tell Karl I said to keep looking up... ..he should be able to finish it for you."
I can't believe I hadn't shared this with others, especially my wife!! I was kind embarrassed, but on the other hand, I was very proud. The secret handshake kinda proud... So, if you're curious, it's "Keep looking up... 'cause God's looking down, and eye-contact is crucial!"
Donnie used to say that ALL THE TIME - too much, really, but I liked it, and I've always remembered it.
So that's why the titled of my blog is Keep Looking Up... I want to daily remember to make eye-contact with God. Not in a literal way (like a picture of Jesus with a lamb on His shoulder or anything), but in a relational and spiritual way. 'Cause when we/I lose eye-contact with a holy and righteous God, I'm a fool. I act like a fool, I talk like a fool and I think like a fool... and that ain't cool!
So my prayer for you reading this is to take some time today, everyday actually, and make eye-contact with God.
Thanks! and Keep looking up...