Monday, April 20, 2009

Keep looking up...

So I figured it was time to get with the times here... A friend of mine, Mike Dauphinee added me on LinkedIn, and I've learned that I can't resist Mike's wisdom, so I joined it. Thus, my expanse of trendy webbed connection began. I still don't really understand the benefits of LinkedIn since I'm not looking for another job or anything, but I still think it's cool.
So why a blog? To be honest, I'm kinda uncertain about it, but on the other hand, I like thinking and I like talking about what I think about. Usually I think about sports, my wife and God, so expect a lot of Stanley Cup, Dallas Cowboys, Liz Messenger, and Jesus of Nazareth references.
But I suppose the main reason I just signed up here on blogspot is because my Rabbi (teacher), Donnie Smith has one - and secretely (err, not so secretly) I like to emulate a lot of what he does.
Donnie's a funny guy. He's also really talented and he's really deep. He looks at God and he connects with Him... and he helps others see Jesus in a new, creative and truthful way. His passion has inspired me ever since the end of my Junior year of high school...
My wife also has a deep respect for Donnie. She doesn't even know him that well, but she holds him up in this mysterious cloud. Whenever we fight... err, disagree... she usually ends up saying, "Call Donnie and see what he thinks"... or, "You're being ridiculous, I'm gonna call Donnie"... haha. Well, she emailed him the other day (non-fight related) and he replied quickly (which, inside joke to all who know Donnie, surprised me and made me think it was an imposter 'cause he never replies to emails in a timely manner...) Anyway, he replied and said, "Hi, good to hear from you, blah blah blah..." but it was what he said at the end that got me re-energized... His last sentence was, "Tell Karl I said to keep looking up... ..he should be able to finish it for you."
I can't believe I hadn't shared this with others, especially my wife!! I was kind embarrassed, but on the other hand, I was very proud. The secret handshake kinda proud... So, if you're curious, it's "Keep looking up... 'cause God's looking down, and eye-contact is crucial!"
Donnie used to say that ALL THE TIME - too much, really, but I liked it, and I've always remembered it.
So that's why the titled of my blog is Keep Looking Up... I want to daily remember to make eye-contact with God. Not in a literal way (like a picture of Jesus with a lamb on His shoulder or anything), but in a relational and spiritual way. 'Cause when we/I lose eye-contact with a holy and righteous God, I'm a fool. I act like a fool, I talk like a fool and I think like a fool... and that ain't cool!
So my prayer for you reading this is to take some time today, everyday actually, and make eye-contact with God.
Thanks! and Keep looking up...