Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm a tool... dontwannatalkaboutit...

So I was at my local bank yesterday waiting in the lobby for an available banker... no big deal really... kinda awkward and annoying just sitting there... so of course I start looking around and noticing everything, well all of a sudden a middle-aged man walks in with a deposit and heads towards to line to see a teller...

As he approaches the maze-like line dividers, he does so like a Nazi-German soldier, clicking his heels and moving in straight lines...

My first thought was, "what in the world is wrong with this guy?!? what a dork!!"... but then "it" dawned on me... right at that momment, God spoke to me... He said, who am I to judge that guy? Maybe there is something wrong with him... but there probably wasn't. That guy was just trying to brighten his day amidst an annoying, but necessary, task. Yeah, ok, maybe he was being a bit quirky and non-status-quo, but who am I to sit there in my self-deceived righteousness and judge him? After all, I'm the dork who immediately started thinking about the history of WWII and would probably have loved to have a conversation with him (or anyone) about it... I mean, I play multi-player board games by myself and still collect army men, for crying out loud...

So, suffice it to say, God made it clear to me that one and maybe two things are true: 1. I'm as much a dork as any Trek fan (I'm not a Trekie, let me make that clear), and 2. Deep down, we're all a little weird...

So, anyway, I really hope no one reads this... perhaps I should post about 10 more so that this post gets burried in the myriad of nothingness - kinda like a random Kramer body expression on any given episode of Seinfeld...

But either way, I'm encouraged to know that God is softening my heart... slowly but surely... and despite my proud, faux-manly thoughts and self-perception, this is something I want. I do, more than anything, want God to work in and through me... and I hate it when I get in the way... though that happens far too frequently...

So if you're reading this, I hope you won't tease me TOO much ;)... and I also hope that you will take some time throughout your busy day to enjoy life... and to enjoy the One who author's life.

God bless.